League Education & Treatment Center
Adult Services
Our adult programs integrate individuals with dual diagnoses into the community, while fostering independence.
Programs Overview
Our adult programs serve people with intellectual disabilities and psychiatric diagnoses. These are individuals who need varying degrees of support. They may receive a variety of services through our adult programs, such as counseling, nursing, social work, and art therapy. Our clinicians work with individuals and their families to reduce behavioral difficulties that interfere with day-to-day activities.
Our programs include day habilitation and vocational services. Each program offers services and activities that are tailored to individuals’ particular needs and abilities.
Use the map below to explore our locations throughout Brooklyn. If you have questions about our programs, use the contact form below to get in touch with our program directors.
Medicaid Service Coordination
Medicaid Service Coordination (MSC) services have transitioned to Care Coordination Organization (CCO/HH) under managed care. As of April 1st, 2019, LETC care managers have transitioned to full-time employees of Advance Care Alliance (ACA). There will be no changes in services for any individuals served former LETC, now ACA, care managers. Care managers have changed agencies but will continue serving individuals.
Contact LETC Adult Programs
Day Habs 1 & 2
483 Clermont Ave, 2nd floor
Brooklyn, NY 11238
Phone: (718) 643-5300
Fax: (718) 643-1592
483 Clermont Ave., 2nd floor
Brooklyn, NY 11238
Phone: (347) 505-0308
Fort Greene
Prevocational Programs
2211 Church Ave., Suite 306
Brooklyn, NY 11226
Phone: (718) 534-6445
Fax: (718) 643-1592
LAND Studio & Gallery
1101 Bedford Ave
Brooklyn, NY 11216
Phone: (917) 670-9322
Fax: (718) 855-4274
Bed Stuy
For admissions or to ask a question about our adult programs, please use our main contact form. This will ensure your inquiry reaches the appropriate staff.
Adult Day Habilitation
Our day habilitation programs help individuals with dual diagnoses realize their full potential as members of our local communities.
We recognize that each individual has their own range of abilities and needs. Our day habilitation staff include direct support professionals supervised by client coordinators. Our staff identify the adaptive skills each individual needs and work with individuals to achieve those goals. They may work with individuals to improve:
personal care: hygiene, meals, chores and similar tasks
socialization: such as conversation skills and identifying non-verbal cues
safety & community skills: crossing the street or making purchases at local shops
self-direction: problem solving, goal setting and self-management
behavior: encouraging tolerance and reducing ritualistic behaviors that may interfere with social development
Our facilities include activity rooms designed to improve cognitive, social, and emotional functioning. Small groups take short trips into the community each day. Community trips include volunteering at local businesses, shopping, and recreational activities at local parks.
Our Day Habilitation Programs
We have four day habilitation programs at three locations in Brooklyn. All our programs strive to enrich the lives of those with developmental disabilities, yet each offers unique opportunities. Placement depends on individuals' skills and needs.
Day Habs 1 & 2
Our Fort Greene day habilitation programs offer opportunities for volunteer work. Trips to local shops, parks and cultural sites are a vital part of daily activities for both programs. Our Fort Greene facilities also include a computer area and an art and movement room.
The main difference between these programs is the level of support we provide individuals, which is based on their needs and abilities. While those in Day Hab 1 do make frequent trips into the community, they tend to need more support from our staff. We assess individuals to determine which of our programs will best suit their needs.
Our Day Hab 2 program has grown to over 30 participants in recent years. These are individuals who are less dependent on staff support. Some of them are individuals who began in Day Hab 1 and were able to move to the Day Hab 2 environment.
Day Hab 2 offers many volunteer opportunities at local businesses and organizations. Activities include food preparation, basic office and maintenance tasks, and grounds keeping. Our community partners include Brooklyn Plaza Medical Center, Teen Challenge, and Raices Senior Center.
Carl Fenichel Community Services (CFCS)
Individuals who attend our CFCS program in Fort Greene may receive clinical services, including nursing, psychology, and social work. CFCS has an expanding volunteer program, including opportunities for participants to develop skills at local parks, libraries and community centers.
League Artists Natural Design (LAND)
The LAND program serves 16 artists with developmental disabilities in Bedford-Stuyvesant. LAND artists develop their artistic skills and make regular visits to local museums, galleries and more. The program's gallery markets artists' paintings, drawings, and sculptures. This gives individuals the chance to earn income for their work.
LAND is made possible by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew M. Cuomo and the New York State Legislature.
Visit LAND's website to learn more.
Vocational Services
Individuals with disabilities face an 80% unemployment rate. We work to change that.
League Center Employment Programs are funded through New York State Adult Career and Continuing Education Services – Vocational Rehabilitation (ACCES-VR) and the Office for People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD). These include Prevocational, Supportive Employment, and ACCES-VR services.
The value of work extends beyond a paycheck, resulting in increased self-esteem, sense of purpose and identity, social networks, and is a pathway from dependence to independence.
Community-Based Prevocational
LETC offers Community-Based Prevocational services in Brooklyn.
Community Prevocational Services provide opportunities for individuals to build their careers through job-readiness instruction and immersive career-discovery experiences in the community.
Our program includes career exploration activities such as:
Counseling and education about the world of work
Exposure to a variety of jobs through volunteering and internships
Personalized assessment of vocational skills, interests, and support needs
Counseling on socialization and positive work behaviors
Instruction to develop work readiness skills
Person-centered development of realistic vocational goals
Attending job fairs
Travel training
A majority of the participant’s time is spent actively in the community, with a portion of each day spent in a classroom setting practicing employment readiness activities.
To participate in this service, the person must be:
18 years or older.
have a documented intellectual or developmental disability,
eligible for Medicaid,
and enrolled in OPWDD’s Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Waiver,
must be able to travel on public transit and have a valid ID.
Supportive Employment – Work Champions!
This program is funded by OPWDD and Adult Career and Continuing Education Services-Vocational Rehabilitation (ACCES - VR). We assist students and adults with disabilities to find and maintain competitive employment in the community, as well as seek career development opportunities.
Individual’s, with the support of their job coach, focus on a wide range of activities designed to prepare them reach their vocational goals.
These include:
Job Discovery and Career Exploration
Development of career goals and vocational profile
Support with Job Placement
Individualized on-the-job coaching
Benefit Support and Planning
Career advancement support
Help accessing post-secondary education
Professional and Social networking
Virtual opportunities available.
Long-term follow-up to ensure job retention
Once employment is obtained, on-site job coaching is provided to train individuals in every aspect of job performance. As the new worker gains mastery, job coaching is gradually withdrawn. The program's standards provide specific milestones to mark progress towards independence.
After an individual achieves mastery, rehabilitative ongoing supports are provided through our Extended Supportive Employment Program.
Supportive Employment participants typically have prior experience in pre-vocational, day habilitation, volunteering, ACCES-VR, or previous employment history.
The focus of our Supportive Employment program is to support persons to achieve their goals, build independent lives, and networks of support based in the community. That is why our program is known as “Work Champions!"
Must have previous day program, prevocational, volunteer, or work experience. Or must be referred by ACCES-VR.
To participate in this service, the person must be:
18 years or older.
have a documented disability,
Medicaid eligible and enrolled in OPWDD’s Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Waiver (OPWDD only)
must be able to travel on public transit and have a valid ID.
Paid employment opportunities in integrated, community-based settings
Job Discovery and Career Exploration
Develop your Career goals and Vocational Plan
Gain real-world work experience at job sites in
Support with Job Placement
On-the-job Coaching and support
Benefit Support and Planning
Career advancement support
Help accessing post-secondary education
Professional and Social networking!
Virtual opportunities available
Adult Services Leadership
Bobby Cooper
Program Coordinator
(718) 643-5300 ext. 761
bcooper@leaguecenter.org -
Ilysa Kramer, LCSW, MSW
Day Habilitation Clinical Director
(718) 643-5300 ext. 232
ikramer@leaguecenter.org -
Teresa McInerney, M.A., CCC-SLP
Program Director | Day Habs 1, 2 & LAND
(718) 643-5300 ext. 229
tmcinerney@leaguecenter.org -
Louis Pelino, MsED
Vocational Services Director
(718) 643-5300 ext. 204