Employee Spotlight: Lynette Adjei
Lynette was referred to our Supportive Employment program from ACCES-VR in November of 2020.
Right from the start she worked hard, was always on time, and had perfect attendance. Lynette completed her first Internship at Church Avenue under the direction of Administration Professional, Ann Fullerton.
At first, Lynette’s goal was to work a clerical job in an office. Under the direction of her new job coach, Danielle Moore, Lynette was turned on to a new career possibility: working with children. Danielle set up a short-term internship at a neighborhood daycare that partners with LETC called Beginning Steps. Through this experience, Lynette realized that she loved working with children, and it was also this experience that caught the eye of Roberta Thomas, Educational Supervisor, when she saw Lynette's resume. In April 2022, Danielle assisted Lynette in completing the onboarding process and Lynette joined the JFTN team.
Danielle had many great things to say about Lynette:
“When I started working with Lynette about a year ago, I noticed right away that she was a goal-oriented and focused individual. When Lynette was hired at JFTN, I knew that she would gain valuable experience through her position at the school, but her progress has far exceeded any expectations that I initially had. There was a noticeable change in Lynette’s demeanor when she began her position as a substitute Teacher’s Aide. From the very first week she just seemed to shine a bit brighter, it was evident that she was excited to be realizing her goals. Lynette has become more open to accepting advice and guidance. This is a shift that, I think, stems from the incredibly supportive staff at JFTN making her feel like part of the team. As her comfort level increases, so does her ability to ask questions, adapt to changes, provide her own feedback and advocate for herself. She has taught me so much about patience and perseverance and also to retain a sense of humor no matter what the day brings.”
Thanks to the remarkable support she receives at JFTN, Lynette has excelled in her position and settled in well. Lynette herself states, "it has been remarkable working with the children, every classroom is different. I have learned to ask questions when needed and to communicate with my co-workers, I am proud of myself because I have come a long way." According to Vaughn Mounsey, Educational Coordinator “Lynette has made tremendous progress, I am excited to see her spread her wings in her 2nd school year. Lynette is now trained in 6 different rooms, each with its own set of students and unique needs. She has learned how to embrace change in way that was difficult in the beginning. I really admire Lynette’s work ethic she always comes in with a smile and is sure to do daily check-ins, I look forward to seeing Lynette grow in her professional career."